12-10-2021 09:00 - 18:00
Stronger together. The EEN, the Interreg NWE projects Codex4SMEs, Boost4Health, MATMED and the H2020-project Digi-B-Cube join forces to reach a new level of innovation and strength in diagnostics and prevention in Europe. Health and diagnostics stakeholders will gain insights into accelerating diagnostics development, IVDR, reimbursement and market access. Discover various European networks that aim to improve healthcare delivery. Moreover, new Horizon Europe calls on health challenges with a special focus on diagnostics and prevention will be presented. In the matchmaking session, take the chance to express your interest in building partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders from the health sector.
Agenda and registration: https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/codex4smes-companion-diagnostics-expedited-for-smes/events/the-new-era-for-prevention-diagnostics-opportunities-for-smes-and-corporates/